When to Use an Address Validation Service Online

If you need to create applications with address verification features, you may be wondering how to go about implementing an . You have probably heard of this type of service, but have you ever wondered what makes it so special? You can read this article to get an overview of its features and limitations. Also, read about the alternatives and how to get started. Listed below are some of the benefits of using an .



The Address Validation Service API allows you to de-duplicate address data and validates names and addresses. This API can be customized to suit your needs. The typical user is a web developer, IT technician, or data entry employee with programming knowledge. The API interface allows you to interact with Egon, the service that validates addresses according to parameters you set. It also lets you make changes to the parameters.

Unlike the USPS API, the Address Validation Service API Online requires you to register for an account before you can use its services. However, the USPS API system is lacking in many important features, such as documentation and millions of valid addresses. The USPS API system is not suitable for record management, bulk address validation, or database cleansing. You’ll need to integrate the Address Validation Service API with USPS shipping services.


Address validation is a crucial component of a successful delivery strategy. In the US, private delivery companies make up for the vast number of non-postal addresses. As a result, the USPS API system can be problematic, lacking robust documentation, reliability, and millions of valid addresses. While there are several address validation services on the market, there are several key factors to consider before selecting an address validation API. Listed below are a few of the most important points to consider.

In a typical implementation, the Address Validation API accepts a list of addresses and resolves them. It resolves an address when the input addresses match known reference data. For countries without postal codes, a state code can be sufficient. The API also attempts to normalize input addresses, replacing common roadway identifiers with standard abbreviations and reordering the components of an address. This method allows a single call to validate up to 100 addresses in one go.


Aside from a robust API, an address validation service must deliver results in real time and seamlessly transition from one platform to another. An ideal platform will use both cloud and traditional physical data centers to ensure maximum reliability and operational redundancy. Furthermore, a cloud-based API should be global in nature, allowing users to use it from any location. Despite its numerous limitations, address validation APIs are essential for enabling businesses to create more effective and efficient marketing campaigns.

The API identifies an address using the postal code, street name, and a derived address. It then attempts to find the actual address. If the address cannot be located, the API will return the possible address, standardized address, and information on the derived addresses. In some cases, a postal code may contain multiple street names or address number ranges. For these reasons, an address validation service should use an urbanization name.


There are a number of alternative Address Validation Service API Online services. One such service is Address Verifier, which offers 24 hours of monitoring and encryption of data. It also allows you to validate addresses in bulk, provides a comprehensive set of documentation for all kinds of address validation APIs, and is known for its customer-friendly support. It has been around for a long time and has built up a loyal following among business and technical users.

Address verification software services company that offers geocoding and address validation services. It does not have marketing integration capabilities, but offers three types of address validation. These services also convert addresses into proper USPS formats and present 45 points of metadata for each entry. Users can also choose the level of detail they want, since SmartyStreets claims to have a sub-30 millimeter response time.